Journal Entries

Friday, February 25, 2011

Birthday Blob

My mother called what I write a “blob.” She asked me yesterday, “Have you written any more on your blob?” I’m still laughing.

And today is her 80th birthday! She just informed me that she is no longer responsible for anything she says because she’s going to play the “old lady” card from now on. One of the things I love best about my mom is her sense of humor and her ability to make me laugh.

Speaking of aging gracefully, to borrow a much overused phrase from Britney Spears “Oops!...I did it again,” I just got my hair cut. Again. To be fair, the last time was in September, but as you know, I’m always changing my hair. One day short, the next day long, I like being a brunette, trying out the whole red-head thing, curious if blondes do have more fun…

Back to the salon: My stylist also just returned home from vacation, a three week trip to Costa Rica and Guatemala. While in Costa Rica, she visited a coffee plantation. There, the owner asked her how old she thought he was. Taking a hard look, he appeared anywhere from his late 40’s to early 50’s, so she settled on the median age and answered 50.

He laughed and told her he was in his late 60’s. His skin was beautiful. “What do you Americans do with your used coffee grounds?” the youthful plantation owner asked her next.

“Um, compost or throw them out.”

“Not anymore,” he told her. “From now on, put your used coffee grounds in a lidded plastic container and while you’re in the shower dip your hands into them and use them all over your face and body as an exfoliating scrub. It’ll do wonders for your skin.”

My stylist tried it with great results and now Groom and I are doubling our pleasure in the shower by recycling those coffee grounds (um, the first pleasure is drinking our favorite beverage!) and applying them to our epidermises, epidermi? hides, pelts, fur. No, scratch that, trust me, you do not want coffee grounds in your fur.

I just thought I’d pass along that beauty tip ‘cause you know I’m all about the coffee, and the hair, and the shoes and the –

Whoa, it snowed here yesterday, did it where you are? We had a fun walk in the flurry and then Groom grilled surrounded by the cold, fluffy white stuff. He’s like the mail service; rain, snow, sleet or hail, it doesn’t keep him from the barbeque.

Happy Birthday, Mom, we love you!

1 comment:

  1. I will have to try the coffee grounds thing --maybe I can get a big batch from my local coffee shop? (I do not drink coffee). Do you smell like coffee after? Does it turn you brown?
    Best wishes to your mom!
    Lori B.
