Journal Entries

Friday, April 1, 2011

Lookin’ Like a Fool

Is it a prank if you can see it coming? Today is gorgeous, about the second nice day we’ve had in awhile. The sky is the color of rare, which we call blue here instead of normal, which is smudgy gray. The mercury is climbing to the lofty height of 66 which is where the April Fool’s joke comes in. Forecasters in the area are predicting a plunge of about 15 points for tomorrow with rain. For opening day at the Saturday Market. Am I supposed to laugh or cry?

In the spirit of foolhardiness because today is April First, here’s a little fool’s wisdom.

I wasn’t born a fool. It took work to get this way. – Danny Kaye

Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish. – Euripides

No one but a fool is always right. – David Hare

Only a fool tests the depths of the water with both feet. – African Proverb

It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. – Mark Twain

And my favorite foolish reference is by Larry Platt, the 62 year-old man fed up with the boys wearing their baggy pants below the underwear line. Pants on the ground, pants on the ground, lookin’ like a fool with you pants on the ground. (That must be why this guy opted to wear his pants on his head…)

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