Journal Entries

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Peek in the Cupboard

Last week, I warned you that instead of sweeping up the contents of my week and sorting through the dustbin for blog ideas, I might just clean out the refrigerator and serve leftovers, but Old Mrs. Hubbard’s cupboard is bare. Okay, maybe not exactly bare, but not exactly organized either. By Old Mrs. Hubbard, I mean me, and I got nothin’. My well is empty (chalk it up to exhaustion).

So, I’ve got no story to tell as we leave for Sacramento early Wednesday morning for our last show of 2010 or Z0L0 as we’ve been calling it. We still have at least one more Eugene Saturday Market to do for our October point and a riverside studio sale in Roseburg later in the month and of course, the Holiday Market, but that’s of future concern.

Right now, there are clothes to be packed, pendants to be finished and a scruzillion little details that require attending, so this week’s blog shall be brief.

Combing through the photos, I selected a few that amuse me, probably why we took them in the first place. I’ll give you a quick tour and then turn you loose to view and make your own interpretations.

This past weekend we participated in the Corvallis Fall Festival, home to the Oregon State Beavers. Here is a humorous necklace we made and sold in the first couple hours of the show. I knew there’d be an arty fun Beaver fan who would appreciate the intent as well as the content, and sure enough, a creative soul tried it on and didn’t take it off.

Here’s a pile of treasure we discovered, bits and pieces we’re turning into wearable art.

One of them is an Amelia Earhart necklace titled Traveling by Starlight, which two little girls were playing with on Sunday afternoon.

Another little girl came into our booth a few weeks ago and while her mother was shopping peeked around the counter. Upon seeing my wine colored John Fluevog shoes, she scooped them up into her arms and gave them a hug. I didn’t have the camera in my hand when she did that, but grabbed it immediately and snapped her holding them. It feels like I’ve already shared this with you, if so, consider it a leftover.

Speaking of wine, there are a few people out there who will know why this particular bottle was a delight to receive as a gift.
And I’m glad to know about the healing power of wine… “use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent illnesses,” 1Tim 5:23. Cheers St. Paul!

It’s my father’s birthday this week and as a train lover, thought I’d post this one in honor of him. Happy Birthday dad.

This butterfly necklace is one of my favorites. While I’m glad we design one of a kind pieces, I sometimes wish we could replicate.

Groom took this photo of a person taking a picture of a butterfly with their cell phone.

Still enamored with our new cell phone, here’s one I took of a coffee date the other day with friends.

Speaking of which, take a gander at the older dude texting on his. To view the details and see it better, simply click on that (or any other) photo and then hit the back button to return to the blog. Do you notice how the younger folks are actually waiting for their boat ride in Grants Pass by hanging out while he’s separated himself from the herd and playing with his phone?

Always a romantic, I’m reassured to know there’s a special Prenup guide for lovers.

I opened a jar of liver of sulfur (a patina for metal) while working in the studio the other day and was tickled to see this smiley face peering back at me. Ah, I’m a sucker for sweet.

Yeah, I’m not sure what was going on with these two cone-head dogs in a parked car. Are they cute? A little scary?

The last two pictures involve parking meters in downtown Eugene. What, pray tell, is oozing from the coin slot? How did it get in there and why is it coming back out? Did it drink too much, ingest something that made it sick, or was it simply embarrassed by having to wear a pole cozy?

Alright, I told you I was keeping this brief, so I’ll bid you adios and happy trails.


  1. Love the necklaces!

    HB to your Dad from me.

    Please post a photo of your tea cupboards.

    The little girl holding your shoes is adorable.


  2. Fun Beaver Necklace. Thanks for coming and bringing your lovely artwork to Corvallis for the festival again!
