Journal Entries

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

River of Sun

I have a relationship with the edge of water. Not on it or in it, for I’m not crazy about boats, ships or how I look in a bathing suit. Plus, I almost drowned three times by the age of 10, so I prefer sitting by water, looking at it and soaking up its negative hydrogen ions.

Which is why I can travel as far away as Sisters, Oregon and still feel good while surrounded by the generous forest, but as soon as I get to Bend, I feel landlocked. By the time I’m in Burns, Ontario or Boise, I’m rocking back and forth in an effort to comfort myself. And Utah? Too far, too far.

Yes, we love to travel, but most of the places we’ve gone to like Hawaii, Costa Rica, Paris or Greece for example, are all next to water. Having lived no more than an hour or so from the ocean my entire life, I’m addicted to the nearness of water.

So I wasn’t necessarily looking forward to our trip to Sunriver – with all its high deserty heat and dryness, bleah. A friend offered the use of her lovely home while we were there (again, Thank You!) and it turns out we enjoyed ourselves very much.

The lighting was beautiful, the blueness of the sky more intense. Groom saw a fox trot through the back field and we woke up to a family of deer foraging breakfast outside our window and a bevy of quails searching for crumbs out on the deck. But the night sky. Oh gracious, being that far away from city lights the star show was spectacular, the way it was originally invented. Breathtaking, heartfelt awe.

The Sunriver Art Faire, a first year show, turned out to be a delight. The Sunriver Women’s Club, who sponsored it in conjunction with the Sunriver Music Festival, couldn’t have been more friendly and welcoming. This was a show that knew how to take care of the participating artists.

In support of breast cancer awareness, there was a bra decorating competition and for food, pizza that was cooked in fire for 90 seconds. On center stage the day was filled with a variety of music including a very humorous group called the Potlucks Airband. Playing songs such as Surfing USA, members of the group lip synced to the original music and played air guitar, air drums and the like. They really worked the crowd with their enthusiasm and energy.

The last photo was also taken in Sunriver by Groom when a leaf from our bouquet fainted from the heat and landed on our booth counter. He noticed the grains matched.

The reason this is posted later in the day is that as I was writing this, I could feel the attachment to my hair trying to get my attention. Getting up from the computer and staring into the mirror, I saw the wisps of hair I was clinging to, even though it was not flattering. Taking a break from writing, I made a spontaneous appointment and had my hair cut off.

Let go and Trust. Messages I continue to receive.

Funny thing, a friend of mine emailed me that she was in Portland getting her hair cut today and another friend asked me to cut her hair for this afternoon. As the moon is growing fuller, it seems like a good time for a new do.


  1. Show me yours and I'll show you mine! (haircut that is...) And that necklace looks fabulous on Micki!!

  2. Yes, I agree with doublexplosure, the necklaces on you in the first photo and the two lovely women are wonderful. They look very happy wearing them.

    Send a photo of your new haircut...I'd love to see.
