Journal Entries

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Welcome To ZOLO

I wrote a New Year’s card to a friend recently and when he stopped by the booth he said, “So what’s Zolo?”

“Zolo? I dunno, what’s a Zolo?” I asked, thinking this was a lead-in to a joke.

“I have no idea, Kid, it’s something you wrote about in your note.”

We argued back and forth good-naturedly, me telling him that I had no idea what Zolo was, therefore I couldn’t have written about it and he insisting that he had the letter, and therefore the proof, at home.”

“Well, I guess you better go get it,” I teased him, knowing good and well I didn’t know nothing about no Zolo.

The next day, he reappeared looking a little sheepish. “Girl, I am so embarrassed to tell you this, but when I looked at your letter again I realized my mistake. I read your date of next year, 20l0 as zolo. Your 2 kinda looked like a ‘z’ and the1 a lower-case ‘l.’ I even showed it to my neighbor and asked her what it looked like to her and she told me ‘2010.’”

We both stood there at the booth laughing. After nearly a decade of living in the 21st century, a universal agreement has yet to be made about what to call the first years of the double aughts and yet just days before the new millennium turns 10, a handwriting blip and a pair of bi-focals provides a fun name for the impending New Year. ZOLO.

Christmas has come and gone and preparations are now underway for the big calendar change.

As the planet swiftly approaches another birthday, we decided to post some of our favorite photos taken in 2009. When we look at them, we are seeing them in their enlarged capacity, yet when you view them through this format, unless you click on each one, you will be seeing them in their miniature capacity. To return to the blog after you’ve taken a moment to enlarge, simply click on the back arrow and voila! here you are again.

For us personally, 2009 has been one of those interesting years that has grown on us. It was a difficult year to get to know at first, not nearly as open and friendly as 2008, but once I accepted that it was a new year and therefore a different personality, I began to accept it for who it was and it began to reveal its beauty.

Our biggest excitement for 2009 was traveling to Japan, finally investing in some real cameras, and making a decision about our jewelry, but that last part might be a better topic for next week.

There’s been some personal growth, some painful losses (I guess those two are not mutually exclusive) and some peaceful, perfect moments in between.

We invoke the possibility that we all have a lovely, healthy, prosperous and safe New Year.

Welcome to Z0L0!

1 comment:

  1. The photos are so wonderful, the text devine. I have enjoyed every entry of this blog in 2009 and am looking forward to the episodes of Z0L0! Thanks!
